The start of the school year is a critical time for Special Education Teachers to lay the groundwork for a successful year. As the first few months progress, it’s...
As the excitement of a new school year builds, the critical work of school administrators often goes unnoticed. Yet, their efforts are the foundation upon which successful school years...
In our previous installment of this two-part blog series, we uncovered the exciting opportunities presented by virtual SLP careers. Now, we delve deeper into insider tips aimed at empowering...
Recently, we sat down with ASHA for their Instagram Live session to discuss the opportunities virtual speech-language pathology offered, particularly in the Special Education setting. If you weren’t able...
May is National Speech-Language-Hearing Month, a time to recognize and celebrate the invaluable work of Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) and their contributions to improving communication and hearing health. In honor...
At Epic Special Education Staffing, we stand at the forefront of supporting inclusive learning environments, and this School Principal’s Day, we're thrilled to shine a spotlight on the remarkable...
Occupational Therapists (OTs) play a pivotal role in the education and development of students with special needs. Their expertise helps children overcome obstacles and reach their full potential. As...
April is more than just the start of spring; it's a time to recognize and appreciate the vital work of counselors worldwide. Established by the American Counseling Association (ACA)...
This April, we observe Autism Acceptance Month, a time to celebrate the unique perspectives and contributions of Autistic individuals. Oftentimes, Autism Awareness and Acceptance focuses on young children. But...
As March comes to a close, we look back at another successful celebration of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Slowly but surely, we are inching towards a more inclusive world...