Keep calm and speak on; it’s Better Hearing and Speech Month!

“Communication across the lifespan” is this year’s theme.  Just like you, we are very excited to celebrate the Better Hearing and Speech Month! Why? Because we are one of the blessed organizations across the globe to be working closely with the people who make communication that much better!

Indeed, superheroes don’t need to wear capes! Sometimes they just happen to be our co-workers who selflessly spend their time and skills with children, as well as adults, to change their lives forever.  For this celebration, we want to give a shout out to our slp’s, SLPA’s, DHH Specialists, Audiologists, and all other therapists who provide life improving therapy and support.  We are inspired, and in awe, by the dedication and commitment, you have with your profession.  You are and will always be “The Avengers” of empowering those through Better Hearing and Speech services!

In case you missed this, we are sharing with you these resources from ASHA to help raise awareness about Better Hearing and Speech Month.

“Communication Across the Lifespan” – Better Hearing and Speech Month

We must say to our slp’s, SLPA’s, DHH Specialists, and Audiologists – you deserve more than a pat on the back! And for those who can relate, we love you 3000!