We know that coronavirus remains a challenge the moment schools reopen this fall. As the days quickly go by with some uncertainties and probably some reservations, parents, school administrators, teachers, educators, and staff could only depend on federal, state, and public health guidelines. In fact, students might not have typical school experience this year from riding the bus to entering the school premises as well as attending classes in the classrooms.
“There is still considerable uncertainty and debate over how easily children of different ages contract and spread the virus, and whether some of the recommended safety guidelines would help or are even necessary. As a result, schools are adopting a wide range of approaches for the pandemic era. But those recommendations largely agree on at least some adaptations, and they all come down to eliminating one factor: proximity.” – Dana Goldstein.
In case you are trying to figure out what schools might look like while controlling the virus, The New York Times has an illustrated guide here;
What Back to School Might Look Like in the Age of Covid-19
We are not affiliated with The New York Times or the author and the illustrator mentioned in this article. We just thought that they made constructive explanations and illustrations worthy of sharing!