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How are you? I hope you and your family are well and healthy. These past few weeks have been quite challenging for all of us. To prioritize our health and safety against COVID-19, The White House recommended for millions of people to work from home and to home-school our children if that’s possible. Streets are empty, schools are closed, restaurants, bars, and other businesses are restricted. Things that we only get to see in the movies are happening in real life.

Our days might be full of overwhelming feelings of fear, anxiety, or confusion. We hear or read the news each day and the bad news seems to pile on. However, just like any crisis, COVID-19 brings out the best in some people! They shed light and spread positivity in every way they can.

People express help through art, music, technology, and acts of kindness. We are once again united with a common goal to fight COVID-19. Here are some of the great news from ABCNews by GMA Team to uplift your spirit.

‘Take a deep breath’: Amid coronavirus crisis, good news is happening

Each story we have read is proof that no matter how bad the situation might become, it couldn’t take away the best in us! It is true that not all heroes wear capes. We are not affiliated with any organization or blogger mentioned in this article. We only want to spread hope and positivity during this most challenging time. As we salute our front liners, we also pray for everyone’s safety and health!