We can say that the global pandemic has shined a harsh light on the vulnerabilities and challenges our education faces. However, would you agree that it has also provided a clearer picture of what steps forward we need to take for the future of our education?
The possibility of us going back to face-to-face instructions is now higher, especially now with the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. However, this may be the beginning of a new era in our education system as we reflect on what we have learned from our experiences doing distance learning and some of the adjustments that were made during some of our teaching.
We came across this article from edweek.org with a question-of-the-week:
What have you learned from Distance Learning that you think will alter your practice in some way when you return to pre-COVID-19 teaching
See what educators have shared here: Pandemic Lessons for a Post-COVID Classroom
We are not affiliated with any organization, educators, or bloggers mentioned in the article. COVID-19 has revealed vulnerabilities, but it has also surfaced extraordinary human resourcefulness, cleverness, quick action, dedication, and potential. With that being said, we are certain that our experiences with the global pandemic made us all think of ways to reshape our future education radically.