
10 Super Easy Random Acts of Kindness That Will Ignite Your Day


Original Article by  Marcel Schwantes at




A few days ago I was informed that today is “World Kindness Day”– a global 24-hour celebration dedicated to paying-it-forward and focusing on the good. I must’ve missed the memo last year so I’m not holding back this year. Time to celebrate kindness.

While there are countless ways to do that, the Random Acts of Kindness website has an endless array of options to spread joy on this day. Here are the ones that popped out for me. Lets DO this!

1. Take Care Of Yourself

Kindness starts with being kind to yourself. RAK suggests any of these items for pampering oneself:

  • Take a nice bubble bath and enjoy time to yourself.
  • Go to and write an encouraging letter to your future self. The site will send you your letter on the date you specify.
  • Congratulate yourself on something you struggle with, like losing weight or finishing a tough task. Tell yourself how awesome you are.

2. Write Someone A Letter of Gratitude

RAK makes this exercise easy by providing a sentence. Just fill in the blanks.

“I’m so glad you’re my ________. Every time I think about you, I feel ________. You probably don’t know this, but I’ve always admired ___________ about you. I wanted to take the time to tell you, because ___________. Just know you have a fan out there in this crazy world and I appreciate you so much!”

3. Donate to a Charity

Don’t have one? No worries. RAK kindly (what else?) points us to to find worthy causes to support. Or, if you prefer, go to and play fun quiz games. For each right answer you give, they donate 10 grains of rice to help end world hunger.

4. Send Flowers to Someone You Love

When was the last time you sent your wife, mother, aunt, or grandmother flowers? Hop down to your local florist or order online from your couch. Nana will love you for it.

5. Send a Positive Text

Pick a few people from your contact list and send off a text praising or thanking someone you know. Research actually states that doing this for 21 days will lead to long-term happiness.

6. Record a Birthday Greeting Video

A 30-second personal message is all it takes. If you want to go all out, record a birthday party and email it to someone house bound. This can be a lifelong treasure that will be replayed over and over.

7. Pay It Forward

Head down to your local fast food or coffee shop and randomly pay for your own order AND the order of the person in line behind you. Or pay the parking fee for the driver in line behind you. This will make someone’s day. It could also start a chain reaction of paying kindness forward.

8. Thank a Veteran

You could write a gratitude note and put it on the windshield of the car owned by a veteran. But the best way to show kindness is simply to walk up to one, shake his hand with a warm smile, and say “Thank you for your service.”

9. Tip Big

So many restaurant servers or pizza delivery drivers live entirely off their tips. This act of kindness works wonders for someone struggling to make ends meet. On this day, give your server a tip that will literally make her/him do a double take.

10. Put Change in a Parking Meter

Head into town and purposefully walk up and down the sidewalk looking for cars with meters about to expire. Then, drop some kindness coinage in there.

Final Thoughts

This list is only a small starter’s kit for World Kindness Day. It doesn’t do kindness justice. To truly make an impact in the world, kindness is something we must demonstrate to each other every day. Kindness begets kindness. Pass it on and start a movement.