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Ready to end the school year with a bang? Or is the work still piling up and dragging you down? Enjoying the spring while thinking about the summer excites us because it means wrapping up another school year!

We know that your status quo may vary from one another whether you have different specialization and different caseloads.  We are certain that you know how to end this school year with your awesome students, but it doesn’t always come without some challenges along the way.  You may need some words of encouragements from your co-educator.  We found this article creatively written by Vicki Davis and we thought you might be able to relate.


“How to make it to the end of the school year?”

We are not affiliated with organizations or bloggers mentioned in the article.  We would love to share this article with you in case you are in need of it! Here is a quote from Vicki, “And remember this one essential point — the magic always happens outside your comfort zone. So of all things you can do, don’t get comfortable. Get better and better and end in amazing ways.  You can either be memorable or you’re forgettable. The same applies to what you teach. Live it. Be it. Be noble. We’re in an important profession. Teach on till the last day. Let’s rock!”