“Thank you, Eve, for the wonderful article on MOTIVATION. You can get to know Eve more on her Instagram account @weneedtotalkslt and/or her blog – https://weneedtotalkslt.wordpress.com/.

Ah new year’s resolutions… How are yours going? If you’re still going strong, I applaud you! Or did you make it until day two, slip up and think ‘I’ll try again next Monday, or next month… maybe…’?

Once the January hype disappears it can be hard to keep up the motivation you so enthusiastically harnessed while emerging from your turkey and mince pie slumber.

It’s always a crazy time for SLPs! So, how can we stay mega motivated all month long and beyond?

  • Find some motivational quotes/affirmations

Read them to yourself every morning. Be your own hype man! Some personal favourites are ‘I’m capable of reaching any goal I want to’ and ‘be grateful for all that you have, accept all that you don’t, and actively create all that you want’. How about ‘I’m a confident slp!’. Have a google or make up your own and put fire in your belly each morning!

  • Make your to-do list realistic

Super busy? Split your list into ‘now’, ‘soon’ and ‘later’. Prioritise the ‘nows’ and don’t stress about the ‘laters’. It’ll look less daunting and you’ll be more motivated to make a dent in it.

  • Reward yourself!

Set yourself an attainable work-related goal or a point in your to do list you and when you get there, reward yourself! You’ll be way more motivated. My go-to rewards are a bubble bath, a new bit of stationary, watching a film or a bowl of ice-cream. It’s important to celebrate your achievements, big and small, and have some well-deserved down time. We can’t be go-go-go all the time!

These tips can be applied to any area of life – work, studying, anything! I hope you’ve found them useful and are raring to go! You’ve got this! Now, I’m off to eat ice-cream in the bath.

By We Need To Talk