Epic Special Education Staffing is excited to announce that we will be attending the 2022 ASHA Convention in New Orleans. Our knowledgeable team of industry experts will be at...
Can you just imagine that it will be just a week before Christmas? While our weather is getting colder each day and our surroundings are starting to fill with...
Call it what you like, a bedside swallowing evaluation, a bedside swallow, a clinical swallow evaluation. No matter what you call it it’s never the same. At a recent...
Do you get a little scared when you are writing AAC goals in the IEP? As in, you’re just not quite sure how to word the goal, let alone...
We’ve all been here at some point. We’ve thoughtfully planned our session, carefully considered how to engage the toddler while also coaching the parent and are ready to go!...
“NO!!!” could be the most challenging answer an slp can encounter when handing out a worksheet or activity to a student. The kid is simply not...
Pudgy faces, nappies, prams and anxious parents. Welcome to a land free from IPads but full of cubby houses, touch & feel books and teddy bear picnics....
Are you looking for a speech room inspiration? Or are you considering a speech room make-over? Or maybe you have something in mind and don’t know how to put...
As winter approaches, days are getting a bit shorter. But for a busy SLP, days are shorter especially when doing the paperwork! This week, we would like to highlight...
“Blogs” are one of the most helpful and useful sources of information we considered nowadays, of course, aside from books, training, and seminars. With the booming numbers of SLP...
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