current trends in special education

How are you spending the summer so far? Do you have the time to enjoy eating your favorite ice cream? I thought it might be good to indulge and treat yourself to something cold and sweet while reflecting on the 20/21 school year! After all, we have had many disruptions in special education, right?

In a month or so, the 21/22 school year is about to start! While we are all excited to go back to face-to-face classes again, we should have a teaching plan and strategies in place by now. We believe that your experiences from last year and your vision for the coming year are the significant factors that helped you come up with your well-thought lesson plans. If you want to review the current trends in Special Education and make last-minute modifications to your strategies, we found this article for you from written by Winnie O’Leary.

Current Trends in Special Education 2021