School is out and summer is finally here! And when it’s summer, we don’t just celebrate the good weather, great food, outdoor play, but it’s also the time of the year that we most enjoy a vacation!
Sunshine brings a feeling of happiness to many. Everything is bright and it always reminds us of our joyous memories especially when we were a kid. Who doesn’t experience the fun of camping or the camaraderie we make during a barbeque party?
However, summer break is also when a “summer learning loss” or “the summer slide” takes place. Teachers call this the regression in skills that happens in the time between the end of one school year and the beginning of the next. And special education students are no exceptions.
(Research: The Effects of Summer Vacation on Achievement Test Scores: A Narrative and Meta-Analytic Review)
Children with disabilities require and need recreation the same as other children. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“A.D.A.”), a child with special needs is entitled to attend any camp or activity that non-disabled children attend, with modifications, and with a few exceptions.
(More information about ADA here: Summer Camp, the Americans with Disabilities Act and your Child’s Rights)
Fortunately, with some planning and effort, it is possible to forestall this skill loss and set up every student for a successful return to school in September. Here are some tips for keeping students skills sharp over the summer and how an educator like you could help:
Activities for teachers to help families get ready for summer and to launch students to fun, enriching summertime experiences.
Great Ideas Here: Get Ready for Summer! Ideas for Teachers to Share with Families
Summer Camp
Pros and Cons :
Summer Camp Options for Children With Special Needs
4 Benefits of Summer Camps for Special Needs Children
Resources on Finding a Summer Camp:
Summer Camps & Programs For Individuals With Special Needs
7 Resources on Finding a Summer Camp for Your Child with Special Needs
Activities that Enhance Skills
Summer Activities for Children with Learning Disabilities
Creative Sensory Ideas
9 Creative Sensory Ideas for a Summer of Fun
Practicing Life Skills
10 Activities For Practicing Life Skills This Summer
Other Helpful Links
Summer Activity Ideas for Children with Special Needs
How To Avoid The Summer Slide & Activities For Students With Disabilities
We are not affiliated with any organization or bloggers mentioned in this article. But we love to share their ideas on how students of all abilities can prevent summer slide. As the saying goes, “Great things happen to those who don’t stop believing, trying, learning, and being grateful.”
Have a happy and meaningful summer!