Does your daily schedule look like this or your schedule for the week resembles just like this one?

Being a School Psychologist is more than just playing around while counseling students.  Though it looks as if they’re doing just that.  Because they are one of the most awesome therapists in the world who juggle different tasks at a time without looking haggard or messy! School Psychologists are like modern superheroes who save one kid at a time.

This is how to be a superhero, I mean School Psychologist, every day. It’s strenuous and hectic!

So before you feel discouraged or decide to shift careers…

We collect the survival hacks shared by most successful School Psychologist bloggers.  Though we are not affiliated to any of them, we thought that they wrote valuable inputs and tips that will influence your decision and help you get through the busy days.



Catherine Stuart precisely gave 5 inputs on everything you always wanted to know about School Psychology Internships.

You will find 40 bulleted wise suggestions here from Jason of wrightpsych.  It’s a concise post that will make your life as an intern a bit easier and enjoyable, too!



Hilarious, entertaining, but full of advice and learnings! It’s so detailed that skoolpsych can actually convince you to “Keep Calm and Rock On!”

Dr. Rebecca Bell Branstetter of studentsgrow is a school psychologist for 42+ years now.  But in this post, she shared her real-life experience during her first year in the field.  She articulately discussed those 3-things that nearly made her quit being a school psychologist.  Discover how she flawlessly managed those challenges.  For all you know, those pieces of advice she gave might be the answer to your dilemmas!

It’s an honest and straight to the point advice for besillyhonestandkind.  11 simple and practical bits of advice, you can easily emulate to survive.


Do you have any questions about graduate school? Then psychwiki is for you!

“Learn the tips, tricks, dos, and don’ts from those who have survived graduate school!”



We get those tips and tricks and advice from the tenured ones.  They are seasoned therapists enough to get through every challenge they might encounter every day.  And surviving will be just a work in the park for them.  If you happen to be a tenured school psychologist, I’m sure you also have tons of inspiring reasons why you love being a school psychologist.

Just like Erin N. King of schoolpsychologistfiles, she found being a school psychologist difficult yet worthwhile.  On her 10th year, she shared her 10 reasons why she loves being a psychologist.

And Pete Simon from ezinearticles, his 10 reasons to become a school psychologist remain intact for 16 years in this profession.


With all these survival hacks and wonderful inspirations, have you decided to pursue being a school psychologist?

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