
Teaching the New Year : Errorless Teaching and other Activities

“Happy New Year and Happy 2019!”

We commonly hear and say those words nowadays probably with the intention to send our well wishes.  And somehow it also reminds us that a year has finally ended and another one has just begun.  While we are busy prepping up our new year’s resolution, goals, and targets for another 365 days of our lives, we are finding ourselves looking back for the year that was.  Because who could easily move on, especially on a habit, right?

They said, depending on who you ask, it will take 18, 21, 28, 66, or even 245 days to form another habit.  So, for a couple of days, we will still find ourselves accidentally writing 2018 instead of 2019 for example in reports or letters, simply because our reflexes told us so!

(Source: How long does it really take to change a habit? By

Did you also realize that you carefully teach yourself to adjust to the new year and form new habits yearly like a.. habit? Funny, at the same time, it gets easier each year!  However, Special Education has another league in teaching the New Year.  What strategies/techniques are you using to make your special ed students learn about the new year? The highlighted articles below will lead you to some important things to consider in teaching the new year to your students, plus get to know more about errorless teaching and other activities you may use.

We are not affiliated with any of the organizations or bloggers mentioned in the article.  But we would love to be part of your new year by sharing this with you.  The start of a new year is a great time to celebrate the accomplishments we made in the previous year and to look forward to achieving more in the coming year. It’s a time to reflect and give thanks for the past year, celebrate small victories, make decisions to change, and embark on new beginnings and fresh starts.

”Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” – Oprah Winfrey